- Lyu, S.; Zheng, F.; Aguilar-Tadeo, J.; Lin, F.; Wu, R.; Derby, B.; Kinloch, I.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; Blaker J.J.; “Patterned morphing composites via maskless photo-click lithography”, RCS Soft Matter, In press.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Tensile and flexural behaviour of graphene/epoxy composite: Experiments and simulation”, Journal of Physics: Materials, Online October 2019.
- Roberts, A.D.; Kelly, P.; Bain, J.; Morisson, J.J.; Wimpenny, I.; Barrow, M.; Woodward, R.; Blanford, C.; Gresil, M.; Hay, S.; Blaker, J.J.; Yeates, S.; Scrutton, N.S.; “Graphene-aramid nanocomposite fibres via superacid co-processing”, RSC Chemical Communications, First online published 11th 2019.
- Khan, J.B., Smith, A.C., Tuohy, P.M., Gresil, M., Soutis, C., Lambourne, A., “Experimental electrical characterisation of carbon fibre composites (CFCs) for use in in future aircraft applications”, IET Science, Measurement Technology, In Press, 2019.
- Muller, A.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Image reconstruction and characterisation of defects in a carbon fibre/epoxy composite monitored with guided waves”, Smart Materials and Structures, 28(6):065001, 2019.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Infrared thermography for air cavities mapping of GNP/epoxy nancomposite and its full-field thermal simulation”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, First published 03 February 2019.
- Manta, A.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Laser aided curing of a GNP/epoxy nanocomposite optimised by multi-scale finite element analysis”, Material Design and Processing Communication, First published 15 January 2019.
- Rufai, O.; Gautam, M.; Potluri, P.; Gresil, M.; “Optimisation of optical fibre using micro-braiding for structural health monitoring”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Structures, 30(2), 171-185, 2019.
- Wu, R.; Roberts, P.; Lyu, S.; Soutis, C.; Zheng, F.; Diver, C.; Gresil, M.; Blaker, J.; “Rigidisation of deployable space polymer membranes by heat-activated self-folding”, Smart Materials and Structures, 27(10), 2018.
- Philibert, M.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; Yao, K.; “Damage detection in a composite T-joint using guided Lamb waves”, Aerospace, 5(42), 40, 2018.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Simulated electrical response of randomly distributed and aligned graphene/polymer nanocomposites”, Composites Structures, Vol. 192, 452-459, 2018.
- Poggetti, I.; Dyson, J.; Sanchez, D.M.; Albertini, G.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; Corinaldesi, V.; “Distributed internal strain measurement of the fluid-solid state coefficients of thermal expansion below the glass transition temperature during a composite manufacture process”, Journal of Composite Materials, First published, 1st March 2018.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Graphene in aerospace composites: characterising thermal response”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol 1932(1), 2018.
- Gresil, M.; Wang, Z.; Poutrel, Q-A.; Soutis, C.; “Thermal diffusivity mapping of graphene based polymer nanocomposites”, Scientific reports, 7, Article number: 5536, 2017
- Chandarana, N.; Sanchez, D.M.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Early damage detection in composite during fabrication and mechanical testing”, Materials , 10(7), 685, 2017.
- Chandarana, N.; Martinez-Sanchez, D.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Early Damage Detection in Composites by Distributed Strain and Acoustic Event Monitoring”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 188, p. 88-95, 2017.
- Gresil, M.; Poohsai, A.; Chandarana, N.; “Guided Wave Propagation and Damage Detection in Composite Pipes using Piezoelectric Sensors”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 188, p148-155, 2017.
- Poutrel, Q-A.; Manta, A.; Wang, Z.; Wang, D.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Effect of pre and post-dispersion on electro-thermo-mechanical properties of a graphene enhanced epoxy”, Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 24 (2), 2017.
- Chandarana, N.; Lansiaux, H.; Li, X.; Gresil, M.; “Characterisation of damaged tubular composite by acoustic event monitoring, thermal diffusivity mapping and TSR-RGB projection technique”, Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 24 (2), 2017.
- Gresil, M.; et al. “EVITA project: comparison between traditional non-destructive techniques and phase contrast X-Ray Imaging applied to aeronautical carbon fibre reinforced polymer”, Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 24 (2), 2017.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Predictive model of graphene based polymer nanocomposites: Electrical Performance”, Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 24 (2), 2017.
- Muller, A.; Robertson-Welsh, B.; Gaydecki, P.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Structural Health Monitoring using Lamb wave reflections and Total Focusing Method with Full Matrix Capture algorithm for image reconstruction” , Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 24 (2), 2017.
- Pullicino, E.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “The Effect of Shear Mixing Speed and Time on the Mechanical Properties of GNP/Epoxy Composites”, Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 24 (2), 2017.
- Gresil, M.; Saleh, M.N.; Soutis, C.; “Transverse Crack Detection in 3D Angle Interlock Glass Fibre Composites using Acoustic Emission”, Materials, 2016, 9(8), 699; doi:10.3390/ma9080699 Pdf
- Costa, L.; Gresil, M.; Frazao, O.; “Simultaneous measurement of physical parameters using FBGs embedded in unidirectional and bidirectional composite materials”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 25(1), 2016. (Download pdf).
- Sanchez, D.M.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Distributed internal strain measurement during composite manufacturing using optical fibre sensors”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 120, 2015, eScholarID: 275799, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2015.09.023
- Pullicino, E.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Gambling with graphene…Will it pay off?”, JEC Composites Magazine 52(99), September 2015,
- Guo, S.; Gresil, M.; Sutton, M.A; Deng, X.; Reifsnider, K.M.; Majumdar, P., “Fiber nonlinear predictive model for combined bending-compression loading of an orthogonal plane weave composite laminate structure”, Journal of Composite Materials, 48(29): 3637-3657, eScholarID: 219855, DOI: 10.1177/0021998313512347
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Prediction of attenuated guided waves propagation in carbon fiber composites using Rayleigh damping”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014 September, eScholarID: 233437, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X14549870
- Lin, B.; Gresil, M.; Cuc, A.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Predictive Modeling of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring”, Ferroelectrics, 2014 October, 168-182, eScholarID: 237709, DOI: 10.1080/00150193.2014.923251
- Pollock, P.; Yu, L.; Sutton, M.A.; Guo, S.; Majumdar, P.; Gresil, M., “Full-Field Measurements for Determining Orthotropic Elastic Parameters of Woven Glass-Epoxy Composites Using Off-Axis Tensile Specimens”, Experimental Techniques, vol. 38, pp. 61-71, 2014, eScholarID:220002 | DOI:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2012.00824.x
- Guo, S.M.; Sutton, M.A.; Majumdar, P.; Reifsnider, K.M.; Yu, L.; Gresil, M., “Development and application of an experimental system for the study of thin composites undergoing large deformations in combined bending-compression loading”, Journal of Composite Materials, 2013 April, eScholarID: 220000, DOI: 10.1177/0021998313481514
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V., “Guided wave propagation in composite laminate material using piezoelectric wafer active sensor”, The Aeronautical Journal, 2013 October, 117(1196): 971-995, eScholarID: 219995
- Gresil, M.; Yu, L.; Shen, Y.; Giurgiutiu, V., “Predictive model of fatigue crack detection in thick bridge steel structures with piezoelectric wafer active sensors”, Smart Structures and Systems, 2013; 12(2): 97-119, eScholarID: 219996, DOI: 10.12989/sss.2013.12.2.097
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V., “Time-domain hybrid global–local concept for guided-wave propagation with piezoelectric wafer active sensor”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2013 October; 24(15): 1897-1911, eScholarID: 219998, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X13486712
- Gresil, M.; Yu, L.; Giurgiutiu, V.; Sutton, M., “Predictive modeling of electromechanical impedance spectroscopy for composite materials”, Structural Health Monitoring, 2012 July; 11(6): 671-683, eScholarID: 220001, DOI: 10.1177/1475921712451954
- Giurgiutiu, V.; Gresil, M.; Lin, B.; Cuc, A.; Shen, Y.; Roman, C.; “Predictive modeling of piezoelectric wafer active sensors interaction with high-frequency structural waves and vibration”, Acta Mechanica, 2012 August; 223(8): 1681-1691, eScholarID: 220003, DOI :10.1007/s00707-012-0633-0
- Bonnet, P.; Gresil, M.; Bizot, H.; Riou, I.; Bertoncini, P.; Buleon, A.; Chauvet, O., “Single walled nanotubes/Amylose/SDBS complex”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2009 August; 12(2): 545-550, eScholarID: 220004, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-009-9723-x
- Bertoncini, P.; Gresil, M.; Lardoux, J.; Riou, I.; Chauvet, O., “Morphology of DNA/Single walled nanotubes complexes”, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2007 December; 2(4): 293-297, eScholarID: 220005