- Philibert, M.; Chen, S.; Yao, K.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Direct-write piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers for monitoring composite materials with Lamb wave mode selection”, IEEE International Symposium on Aplication of Ferroelectrics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 07/2019.
- Philibert, M.; Chen, S.; Yao, K.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Active sensing of composite materials with direct-write piezoelectric ultrasonics transducers”, 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, 06/2019.
- Chandarana, N.; Ramasso, E.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Damage identification in composites through acoustic emission monitoring”, Acoustic Emission Working Group, Chicago, USA, 06/2019.
- Poutrel, Q-A., Tournilhac, F.; Greensmith, P.; Barg, S.; Soutis, C.; Blaker, J.J.; Gresil, M.; “Tuning of the glass transition temperature of dicarboxylic acid-epoxy vitrimers by off-stochiometric acid content”, ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, USA, 09.2018.
- Manta, A.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “laser aided curing of GNP/epoxy nanocomposite optimised by multi-scale finite element analysis”, 15th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Thessaloniki, Greece, 07.2018
- Philibert, M.; Chen, S.; Yao, K.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Direct-write piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers for impact damage detection in composite plates”, 9th European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, Manchester, UK, 07/2018.
- Chandarana, N.; Ramasso, E.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Clustering of acoustic emission data to distinguish damage mechanisms in composites”, 9th European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, Manchester, UK, 07/2018.
- Rufai, O.; Gautam, M.; Potluri, P.; Gresil, M.; “Utilisation of optimised optical fibres for structural health monitoring”, 9th European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, Manchester, UK, 07/2018.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Finite element modelling of air cavities effect on GNP/epoxy nanocomposite thermal response and its full-field validation”, 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, Chios Island, Greece, 06.2018.
- Chandarana, N.; Gresil, M.; “Damage identification in composites through acoustic emission monitoring”, Acoustic emission working group, Charleston, USA, 06.2018.
- Chandarana, N.; Ramasso, E.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Damage detection and monitoring in composites using piezoelectric sensors”, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, 06.2018.
- Chandarana, N.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Passive and active monitoring for defect detection and quantification in composites”, SPIE, Denver, Colorado, USA, 03.2018.
- Chandarana, N.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Damage monitoring in composite pipes subjected to three point bending”, 1st International Conference on Health Monitoring of Civil & marine Structures, London, UK, 02.2018.
- Gresil, M.; Poutrel, Q.; Wang, Z.; Manta. A.; Soutis, C.; “Graphene based polymer nanocomposites: Electro-thermo-mechanical performance”, 14th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, Nantes, France, Sept. 2017.
- Chandarana, N.; Martinez-Sanchez, D.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Real-time monitoring of composite’s fabrication and in-service loading”, 14th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, Nantes, France, Sept. 2017.
- Wang, Z.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “The enhancement of multi-functionality of nano-composites”, Graphene Flagship, Athens, Greece, Sept. 2017.
- Rufai, O.; Gautam, M.; Potluri, P.; Gresil, M.; “Optimisation of optical fibres for SHM through micro-braiding”, 11th International Workshop on SHM, Stanford, USA, Sept. 2017.
- Chandarana, N.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Damage detection in composite pipes during mechanical three point bending”, 11th International Workshop on SHM, Stanford, USA, Sept. 2017.
- Philibert, M.; Wang, Y.; Yao, K.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Impact damage detection in composite T-joint using guided waves”, 11th International Workshop on SHM, Stanford, USA, Sept. 2017.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Graphene in Aerospace Composites: Thermal Properties”, 7th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials, Bucharest, Romania, Sept. 2017.
- Chandarana, N.; Martinez-Sanchez, D.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Early damage detection in composites by distributed strain and acoustic event monitoring”, 12th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Sheffield, UK, August 2017.
- Lyu, S.; Aguilar-Tadeo, J.; Zheng, F.; Derby, B.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; Blaker, J.J.; “Printed and Patterned rGO-Chitosan/Elastomer Morphing Composites”, 26th International Materials Research Congress (IMRC), Cancun, Mexico, August 2017.
- Lyu, S.; Aguilar-Tadeo, J.; Zheng, F.; Derby, B.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; Blaker, J.J.; “Graphene-Reinforced Chitosan/PDMS Morphing Composites”, 21st International Conference on Composite materials, Xi’an, China. August 2017.
- Chandarana, N.; Martinez-Sanchez, D.; Soutis, C.; Gresil, M.; “Real-time monitoring of composites’ fabrication and in-service loading”, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, June 2017.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Multi-Scale Modelling of Graphene/Polymer Nanocomposite Thermal Behaviour”, Graphene 2017, Barcelona, Spain, 28-31 March, 2017.
- Gresil, M.; Poohsai, A.; Chandarana, N.; “Guided Wave Propagation and Damage Detection in Composite Pipes using Piezoelectric Sensors”, 6th Asia Pacific Workshop on SHM, Hobart, Australia, December 2016.
- Chandarana, N.; Martinez-Sanchez, D.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Early Damage Detection in Composites by Distributed Strain and Acoustic Event Monitoring”, 6th Asia Pacific Workshop on SHM, Hobart, Australia, December 2016.
- Gresil, M.; Saleh, M.N.; Arshad, M.; Soutis, C.; “Damage evolution in 3D woven composite materials suing acoustic emission”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Non-destructive Evaluation, Atlanta, USA, July 2016.
- Muller, A.; Robertson-Welsh, B.; Gaydecki, P.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Lamb wave boundary reflection in an aluminium plate for defect detection related to structural health monitoring”, European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, Bilbao, Spain, July 2016.
- Gresil, M.; Saleh, M.N.; Arshad, M.; Soutis, C.; “Defect quantification in 3D angle interlock glass fibre composites using acoustic emission”, European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, Bilbao, Spain, July 2016.
- Manta, A.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Multi-scale finite element analysis of graphene/polymer nanocomposites: electrical performance”, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete Island, Greece, June 2016.
- Gresil, M.; Revol, V.; Consuelo Garcea, S.; Chemama, R.; Kandekrakis, G.; Kitsianos, K.; Koulalis, L.; Sauer, M-O.; Tretout, H.; Madrigal, A-M.; “Comparison between Traditional Non-Destructive Techniques and Phase Contrast X-Ray Imaging applied to Aeronautical Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer”, 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Munich, Germany, June 2016.
- Gresil, M.; “Technique validation for structural health monitoring”, Workshop on NDT/SHM, Bristol, UK, February 2016.
- Gresil, M.; “Distributed internal strain measurement during composite manufacturing using optical fibre sensors”, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, UK, February 2016.
- Gresil, M.; Saleh, M.; Arshad, M.; Soutis, C.; “Acoustic Emission of 3D Angle Interlock Glass Fibre Composites”, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Stanford, USA, 2015. eScholarID: 272426.
- Gresil, M.; Muller, A.; Soutis, C.; “Acousto-Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring of Aerospace Composite Materials”, 6th Conference on Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing, Brussels, Belgium, 2015. eScholarID: 266338.
- Yang, C.; Aneke, A.; Gresil, M.; Oyadiji, S.O.; “Applications of thermography and ultrasonics for detection of debonding in carbon fibre reinforced composite panels”, 5th International Workshop on Aerostructures, Manchester, UK, 2015. eScholarID: 272636.
- Martínez-Sánchez, D.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “Monitoring manufacturing of composites using embedded distributed optical fibre sensors”, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Stanford, USA, 2015. eScholarID: 272424.
- Ali, S.; Fernando, A.; Potluri, P.; Gresil, M.; “Multifunctional Weft-knitted Flexible Composite Structures”, 15th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 2015. eScholarID: 266339.
- Revol, V.; Stadelmann, T.; Kitsianos, K.; Sauer, M-O.; Koulalis, I.; Chemana, R.; Gresil, M.; Tretout, H.; Kanderakis, G.; Madrigal, A-M.; “Non-destructive evaluation, inspection and testing of primary aeronautical composite structures using phase contrast X-Ray imaging”, 5th International Workshop on Aerostructures, Manchester, UK, 2015. eScholarID: 272427.
- Lin, B.; Gresil, M.; Yu. L.; Mendez-Torres, A.E.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Analytical model of nuclear environmental effects with piezoelectric wafer active sensors”, ASME 2014 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, 2014. eScholarID: 230540.
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Electromechanical impedance spectroscopy and guided waves propagation modelling on composite materials”, European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, 2014. eScholarID: 230539.
- Lin, B.; Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; Knight, T.; Mendez-Torres, A.E.; Yu, L.; “Nuclear Environmental effects on piezoelectric wafer active sensors based acousto-ultrasonic sensing system”, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants. Charlotte, USA, 2014. eScholarID: 230538.
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; Soutis, C.; “Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring – An Overview”, The 53rd Annual Conference of The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Manchester, UK, 2014. eScholarID: 233435.
- Leonard, F.; Stein, J.; Gresil, M.; Soutis, C.; “X-ray Computed Tomography of Composites”, The 53rd Annual Conference of The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Manchester, UK, 2014. eScholarID: 233434.
- Kamal A.; Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Comparative Study of Several Methods for the Calculation of Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Composites”, 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Boston, USA, 2013. eScholarID: 230534.
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Guided wave propagation in carbon composite laminate using piezoelectric wafer active sensors”, SPIE 8695-77, San Diego, USA, 2013. eScholarID: 230533.
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Prediction of attenuated guided wave propagation in carbon fiber composites”, The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Montreal, Canada, 2013. eScholarID: 230537.
- Kamal A.; Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Shear horizontal guided waves in laminated composites plates using SH-PWAS”, NDT of composites, Seattle, USA, 2013. eScholarID: 230535.
- Zhao, L.; Yu, L.; Gresil, M.; Sutton, M.; Guo, S.; “Electromechanical impedance modeling for structural health monitoring”, ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, 2012. eScholarID: 230530.
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Guidelines for using the finite element method for simulation of guided lamb waves propagation”, European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Dresden, Germany, 2012. eScholarID: 230528.
- Gresil, M.; Yu, L.; Sutton, M.A.; Guo, S.; Pollock, P.; “Predictive modeling of composite material degradation using piezoelectric wafer sensors electromechanical impedance spectroscopy”, SPIE 8347-27, San Diego, USA, 2012. eScholarID: 230526.
- Gresil, M.; Shen, Y.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Predictive simulation of structural sensing”, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 53rd Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conferences, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2012. eScholarID: 230527.
- Lin, B.; Gresil, M.; Mendez-Torres, A.E.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Structural health monitoring with piezoelectric wafer active sensors exposed to irradiation effects”, ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2012. eScholarID: 230529.
- Gresil, M.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Time-domain hybrid global-local prediction of guided waves”, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Melbourne, Australia, 2012. eScholarID: 230531.
- Gresil, M.; Shen, Y.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Benchmark Problems for Predictive FEM simulation of 1-D and 2-D guided waves for SHM with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Non-destructive Evaluation QNDE, Burlington, USA, 2011. eScholarID: 229918.
- Gresil, M.; Yu, L.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Fatigue crack detection in thick steel structures with piezoelectric wafer active sensors”, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Proceedings, San-Diego, USA, 2011. eScholarID: 229916.
- Gresil, M.; Yu, L.; Giurgiutiu, V.; Sutton, M.; “Finite element modeling of electromechanical impedance spectroscopy for damage detection in composite materials”, 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto, Portugal, 2011. eScholarID: 229917.
- Gresil, M.; Lin, B.; Shen, Y.; Giurgiutiu, V.; “Predictive modeling of space structures for SHM with PWAS transducers”, ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Phoenix, USA, 2011. eScholarID: 229920.
- Gresil, M.; Shen, Y.; Giurgiutiu, V. “Predictive modeling of ultrasonics SHM with PWAS transducers”, 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, 2011. eScholarID: 229919.
- Yu, L.; Gresil, M.; Pollock, P.; Sutton, M.A.; “Progressive damage detection/diagnosis on composite using electromechanical impedance spectroscopy”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Denver, USA, 2011. eScholarID: 229921.
- Gresil, M.; Parneix, P.; “High electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of hybrid glass/carbon composite laminate”, 9th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility joint with the 20th International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, Poland, 2010. eScholarID: 229914.
- Gresil, M.; Parneix, P.; Lemistre, M.; Placko, D.; “Effect of the insertion of an electromagnetic shielding on the propagation of Lamb wave in GFRP”, JNC 16, Toulouse, France, 2009. eScholarID: 223353.
- Gresil, M.; Parneix, P.; Lemistre, M.; Walrick, J-C.; Placko, D.; “Lamb wave propagation in a hybrid Glass/Carbon composite laminate for electromagnetic shielding”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, 2009. eScholarID: 229913.
- Walrick, J-C.; Gresil, M.; Parneix, P.; “Strength mechanical influence of electromagnetic shield function embedded in laminated glass composite”, JNC 16, Toulouse, France, 2009. eScholarID: 229657.
- Gresil, M.; Parneix, P.; “Mechanical effect and shielding effectiveness of the insertion of metallic screen in glass and carbon composite”, 13th European Conf. on Composite materials; Stockholm, Sweden, 2008. eScholarID: 223352.
- Gresil, M.; Parneix, P.; “Shielding effectiveness by metallic screen insertion in glass and carbon composite materials”, 14th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility; Paris, France, 2008. eScholarID: 223351.
- Bertoncini, P.; Gresil, M.; Bonnet, P.; Chauvet, O.; “AFM imaging and force spectroscopy: tools for studying plant and surface and characterizing carbon nanotubes/Bio-molecules hybrids”, AFM Bio Med Conference; Barcelona, Spain, 2007. eScholarID: 223350.