Graphene NOWNANO

Bonnie Tsim: My Graphene Journey
CDT 21 September 2023
We caught up with NOWNANO CDT alumna, Bonnie Tsim. Bonnie completed a PhD in 2021 while working on research in the electronic properties of twistronic graphene. She now works in a corporate role but still has her sight set on entrepreneurship. Hi Bonnie, lovely to catch up with you. Tell us a bit about yourself. […]

Graphene research students engage the public with science shows
CDT 30 November 2022
Postgraduate research students on the University’s Graphene NOWNANO CDT programme take part and demonstrate at science festivals, school visits and other public engagement events, to spread the word and inspire the next generation of graphene and 2D materials scientists. Outreach forms a key part of the programme and is a valuable way for research students […]

COVID catalyst: how graphene can lead the global recovery
Applications 8 June 2021
James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Manchester, says innovation in advanced materials has the potential to support social, economic and technological opportunities to help achieve a green recovery following the impact of COVID-19.

Coming to the end of a Graphene PhD
Research 12 January 2017
Nearing the end of his PhD, Graphene NOWNANO student, Leon Newman talks about his experience in the doctoral training programme.

One year into a graphene PhD and making science engaging
Research 1 December 2016
One year into her PhD Fiona Porter talks about her experience in the Graphene NOWNANO Centre for Doctoral Training programme (CDT), and the importance of public events to engage people with science. Having been introduced to nanochemistry during my Masters project at the University of Oxford, I wanted to continue in this area for my PhD, […]

The right place, at the right time – the journey to a PhD
Research 24 November 2016
The Graphene NOWNANO CDT programme was a case of the right opportunity presenting itself at the right time. Studying for my A-levels in Bolton, I had one of those over-enthusiastic and motivational teachers who really cared, both about her subject, and the progress of the students she was teaching. She would highlight areas outside of […]

The highs and lows of a PhD
Research 13 May 2016
My name’s Matt Holwill, I grew up in North Wales before doing a combined Bachelors and Masters in Physics at the University of Exeter. After that I wanted to do a PhD and came here to Manchester as a member of the Graphene NOWNANO Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT). Can you give an outline of […]

Graphene membranes- creating the perfect barrier
Research 15 April 2016
Out next blogger is James Dix, who is currently studying for a PhD in the NOWNANO Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT). Originally from Bristol, he went on to study a Joint Honours Masters Degree in Chemistry and Physics in Durham, graduating in 2013. His speciality is in the area of graphene oxide membranes. Could you […]

Biosensors, drug delivery and diabetes
Research 21 March 2016
Joe Butcher a PhD student in the Graphene NOWNANO Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) programme. Talks to us about his work on biosensors and how they could revolutionise medical applications. Can you give an outline of the kind of research that you do (in layman’s terms), and particularly how it relates to graphene? I’m trying […]

Graphene NOWNANO PhD – A view from the halfway point
Research 10 February 2016
An interview with Philip Thomas, a PhD student enrolled in the Graphene NOWNANO CDT programme. In layman’s terms, how does your work relate to Graphene? The fundamentals of graphene, in terms of the physics, are generally understood. There are all kinds of other 2D materials that we’re discovering; recently phosphorene has attracted a lot of […]