Unlocking the potential of 2D materials: introducing the new 2DMoT CDT
CDT 16 October 2024
The University of Manchester, birthplace of graphene, is launching the Centre for Doctoral Training in Two-Dimensional Materials (2DMoT CDT). This cutting-edge programme addresses a critical gap in the UK – a pipeline of highly skilled scientists and engineers to push the boundaries of 2D materials research and take the country to the forefront of global […]

Bonnie Tsim: My Graphene Journey
CDT 21 September 2023
We caught up with NOWNANO CDT alumna, Bonnie Tsim. Bonnie completed a PhD in 2021 while working on research in the electronic properties of twistronic graphene. She now works in a corporate role but still has her sight set on entrepreneurship. Hi Bonnie, lovely to catch up with you. Tell us a bit about yourself. […]

Graphene research students engage the public with science shows
CDT 30 November 2022
Postgraduate research students on the University’s Graphene NOWNANO CDT programme take part and demonstrate at science festivals, school visits and other public engagement events, to spread the word and inspire the next generation of graphene and 2D materials scientists. Outreach forms a key part of the programme and is a valuable way for research students […]