
Making clean drinking water more accessible
Applications 31 October 2017
Following the announcement of this year’s winner of the Eli and Britt Harari Graphene Enterprise Award, we caught up with Sebastian Leaper-last year’s winner, to find out what he’s been up to since he won the award.

2D Materials – A quest for clean water
Research 26 October 2017
Our quest to help make seawater drinkable leads to a scientific discovery we weren’t expecting – salt ions that can change shape. Desalination of seawater remains one of the most challenging and expensive ways to produce drinking water.

Graphene membranes- creating the perfect barrier
Research 15 April 2016
Out next blogger is James Dix, who is currently studying for a PhD in the NOWNANO Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT). Originally from Bristol, he went on to study a Joint Honours Masters Degree in Chemistry and Physics in Durham, graduating in 2013. His speciality is in the area of graphene oxide membranes. Could you […]