Welcome to CE
Find out more about the facilities at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, as well as the events and outreach opportunities.
Meet the Department 27 August 2020
Getting to know the staff who will look after you, a new student in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, is a key part of becoming part of our student community.
Meet the Department 3 August 2020
On the 16th July, we held our annual (but first virtual) Social Responsibility Awards, recognising the commitment of staff and students to helping others through charity work, environmental research, and well-being.
Postgraduate 10 July 2020
Welcome to the Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science. We’re delighted to offer you a place to study with us. With everything that’s been going on over the last few months, we realise you may have some questions and concerns about starting with us in October. Don’t worry, we’ve been working hard to develop […]
Student experience 31 July 2019
On Wednesday 17th July, we held our annual Social Responsibility Awards, recognising the commitment of staff and students to helping others through areas such as charity work, environmental research, and improving well-being. Staff and students were nominated by their peers across 10 different categories The winners were decided by Darren Huyton, Student Experience Manager for […]
Meet the Department 19 July 2019
The first in a new series where academics share their latest research. In this post, we talk to Prof Adisa Azapagic about her research into Sustainable Industrial Systems.
Welcome to CE 23 June 2016
I’d tell them that there are fantastic, well-paid, and exciting jobs waiting for them if they study STEM subjects. And that they should not be afraid to challenge themselves intellectually.
Welcome to CE 8 March 2016
Moving forward we must strive for equality not only because it fosters innovation and growth, but mainly just because it is right.
Welcome to CE 8 March 2016
Everyone can make a difference, male or female, towards a better gender balance in society.