Projects 11 June 2024
Below you can find a range of publications from The Beam team.
Penelope Harvey
Book length publications:
Previous publications include Roads: An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise (with H. Knox) Cornell University Press, 2015; Infrastructures and Social Complexity (edited with Jensen and Morita), Routledge, 2016; Dislocating Labour: Anthropological Reconfigurations (edited with Krohn-Hansen) special issue of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2018; and Anthropos and the Material: Anthropological Reflections on Emerging Political Formations (edited with Krohn-Hansen and Nustad) Duke University Press, 2019. She is currently co-editing a special issue for Social Analysis on Refiguring the Commons for the twenty-first century: epistemic challenges and relational possibilities (edited with Lien and Nyquist).
Recent publications:
2024 (forthcoming) ‘Geology as Unconforming Infrastructure for the Hosting of Nuclear Waste’ in Suomen antropologi, Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society.
2024 (forthcoming) ‘Becoming’ (with Constance Smith) in Eli Elinoff and K. Rubaii (eds) Social Properties of Concrete. Punctum Press.
2021 ‘Conversation with Stefan Helmreich’ in Environmental Alterities (ed) C. Bonelli & A. Walford, Mattering Press
2020 ‘Intersections of Climate Change and Nuclear Power: An Interview with Penelope Harvey by Virginia R. Dominguez, American Anthropologist, 122:4, 953-958.
Petra Tjitske Kalshoven
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2023. ‘The Skyline Is Changing: Editing Space and Discourse in Nuclear Decommissioning’. Visual Anthropology 36[5]: 487-514.
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2022. ‘For a familiar future: “jobs” and “net zero” as performative markers of worldviews in England’s nuclear heartland’. Futures.
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2022. ‘The Fish Is in the Water and the Water Is in the Fish: Symbiosis in a Nuclear Whale Fall’. Cultural Anthropology 37[2]: 349-78.
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2022. ‘The Benefit of Birthing Forth Insights: Reflections on the Socratic Method’, in Speaking for the Social: A Catalogue of Methods, eds Hannah Knox and Gemma John. London: Punctum Press. Pp. 101 – 27.
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2021. ‘The nuclear/Nuclear family: moralities of intimacy under COVID-19’. Anthropology in Action 28[2]: 44-50.
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2020. ‘Surface-making in Nuclear Decommissioning: A narrative of sludge, plutonium and their whereabouts’ in Surface and Apparition: The Immateriality of Modern Surface, ed. YeSeungLee, London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Pp. 37-50.
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2023. Heart of Glass (from natural glasses to the use of glass in high-level nuclear waste management), co-curator, PI UMRI Interdisciplinary Research Recovery Fund. Florence Arts Centre, Egremont, February – June 2023.
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2020. x = 2140 (associated with Sellafield Site Futures project), in collaboration with artist Wallace Heim and Florence Arts Centre, Egremont. 22 February – 28 March 2020. On-line voice-recording created in May 2020, see
Conference Proceedings:
Kalshoven, Petra Tjitske. 2020. ‘An anthropological perspective on the siting process for a Geological Disposal Facility in England: values and worldviews amongst stakeholders in West Cumbria’. Nuclear Energy Agency IGSC Safety Case Symposium 2018.
Başak Saraç-Lesavre
Saraç-Lesavre, B. 2021. “Worst-case” scenarios reimagined in the post-COVID context, The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, with Sonja D. Schmid,
Saraç-Lesavre, B. 2021. Styles of revaluation: The case of levelized cost of electricity, Nuclear Technology, 270 (9),DOI: 10.1080/00295450.2021.1884492
Saraç-Lesavre, B. 2021. Deep Time: The End of an Engagement, Issues in Science and Technology, 37, no. 3 (Spring 2021).
To see several written responses to the piece by prominent nuclear experts click here
Saraç-Lesavre, B. 2021. Deep time financing? ‘Generational’ responsibilities and the problem of rendez-vous in the U.S. nuclear waste programme, Journal of Cultural Economy, 14(4),DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2020.1818601
Saraç-Lesavre, B. 2021. International reactions to the Fukushima accident. In Cleveland, K., Knowles, S.G., and Shineha, R. Legacies of Fukushima: 3.11 in Context. Critical Studies in Risk and Disaster Series, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, with Sonja Schmid.
Saraç-Lesavre, B. 2020. Faire avec les Restes de l’Age Nucléaire: Traduire la Formation Salado en une « Solution pour la Nation », Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances, 14(4).
Saraç-Lesavre, B. 2020. Desire for the worst: Extending nuclear attachments in Southeastern New Mexico, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(4), 753-771. DOI: 10.1177/0263775819889969
Richard Taylor
The Impact of Digital Technologies on Knowledge Networks in Two Engineering Organisations, Eann A. Patterson, Richard J. Taylor & Yuxin Yao
The commoditization of civil nuclear power, Eann A. Patterson and Richard J. Taylor
Başak Sarac̣-LesavrePenny HarveyPetra Tjitske KalshovenRichard Taylor