The Beam mini-lecture series
Projects 18 March 2021
The Beam invites you to visit a short series of mini-lectures exploring ‘Nuclear Science and Engineering as Social Practice’ that we will develop over the coming weeks. The mini-lectures are meant as tasters for a full-fledged postgraduate module that we plan to teach in Manchester in the spring semester of 2021-22.
The focus in both the tasters and the module is on historical, cultural, social, moral, political, regulatory and socioeconomic frameworks in which science and technology are produced. We explore how nuclear science, engineering, and practices are entangled with communities, geographies, and geologies, and how such entanglements affect and generate society.
Working from an interdisciplinary perspective, we hope to engage readers and students from a wide spectrum of backgrounds, including engineering, the nuclear and social sciences, and the humanities.
Please do feel free to leave a comment below. If you would like to know more about the planned PGT module, don’t hesitate to contact
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