Term 2
Student experience 9 May 2019
This blog post was written by School of Mathematics undergraduate Emily Todd in February 2019.
Wow, time’s flown past. Results have just come out. I’m incredibly relieved but currently getting
hate from my house mates for my whinging about failing when these were nearly my best
results. Slightly under the boundary but I can make that up 2nd term. Luckily, way over the
boundary for the MMath course.
Speaking of which, even though the course is the same in 2nd year so I have no room to talk, I
encourage everyone to sign up or swap onto it. Not just as a great way to get a master’s on top
of your degree. As it’s a four year course, you should get an undergraduate loan for all the years
instead of the smaller postgraduate one for a stand alone masters. Also you can still leave after
three years with your degree which is a nice safety net to have.
As it’s now February, I’ve started adjusting to this being the first term where I got to pick my
modules. This gave me a lot more freedom to study what interests me (or more importantly stay
away from what I hate, I’m looking at you probability). It’s a strange experience to have six
modules with none of them being doubles. It feels like more of a workload but it’s less content in
each one, so you really have to nail everything. Hopefully I will.
By Emily Todd
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