Research and impact 30 July 2019
Dr Xuqing Liu explains how the ‘failure’ of red wine stains can be turned into successes when it comes to the next generation of wearable devices.
Meet the Department 5 July 2019
Dr Liu’s research explores functional fashion and wearable devices – and could drastically improve the lives of disabled people and the elderly. Find out more.
Student experience 23 May 2019
Meet Roy Conway, a 72-year-old PhD student proving age is no barrier as he researches textile coating with nanoparticles for multifunctionality.
Student experience 8 May 2019
PhD student Evie Chalmers discusses her research into polymer fibres used in wearable electronics – and tells us what life’s like in the School of Materials.
Student experience 24 April 2019
Read all about Courtney Chrimes’ PhD research into online retail and clothing fit provision – and why Manchester is the right fit for her.
#MondayMaterials 25 April 2016
Last time out with #MondayMaterials we hit the big 2-0 while speaking to Prof Bill Sampson! 20 episodes since the launch of our blog last May and it seems like only yesterday to me. I’ve learnt a lot in that time, though, particularly regarding how the research within the school works. We have several research […]
Aerospace 4 February 2016
I know it seems like forever ago, but if you can, please try and cast your mind back to just a couple of weeks before Christmas. Back then, we met one our most charismatic and entertaining #MondayMaterials interviewees of the series so far. We told you at the time that Costas would be back soon, […]
#MondayMaterials 1 February 2016
Can you believe it? Episode 16 of #MondayMaterials is here already! And after fifteen previous episodes, I finally get the chance to talk to Dr Sarah Haigh, somebody who was recommended to me by our Episode 1 interviewee. It took a while to get this interview into both our calendars, but I can tell you […]
Meet the Department 12 October 2015
So today the #MondayMaterials series hits double figures. What better place to do that than with Rachel Parker-Strak, a lecturer and part time PhD student in the Design, Fashion, and Business area of the School. I first met Rachel while attending one of the School’s Discover Days. These sessions offer A-level students the opportunity to […]
Welcome to Materials 7 October 2015
Hello all – and thanks for coming back to the blog (or for coming for the first time, if that’s the case!). The audience has been growing recently, and I’m really grateful to everyone who has taken the time to read the blog posts. Those of you who have been coming back for a while might remember […]