Conference schedule



MACE PGR CONFERENCE 2018 26th March 2018 ­ George Begg ­ Room C1
09:25 ­ 09:30 Welcome PGR Director/Head of School
09:30 ­ 10:15 Keynote Speech Session chair: B.D. Rogers
Session 1: Building Engineering and Climate Change Session chair: Neema Opiyo
10:15- 11:00 Fire resistance of composite buildings with earthquake damage to fire protection Riza Suwondo
Making hospitals resilient to climate change and its implications on  Power Networks. Ilias Gennis
Evaluating coffee stems potential for generating power in small-scale downdraft gasifiers-gas engine systems in Colombian coffee farms Samira Garcia-Freites
11:00 – 11:45  Refreshment and Poster session Session chair: Mutiu Alabi-Bello
Session 2 : Wind & Geomatic Engineering Session chair: Ilias Gennis
11:45- 12:45 Assessment of Offshore Wind Energy opportunities in India using WRF  for resource simulation including sea breeze Rohan Kumar
Effect of foundation soil stiffness on seismic earth pressure Junied Bakr
Upper bound solution of laterally loaded short rigid piles in undrained  clay H.Hassan
Effect of liquefaction on the seismic response of port facilities in reclaimed    islands: a case study from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence Bashar Ismael
12:45– 14:00 Lunch Break
Session 3: Multi-Phase Flows and Materials Session chair: Ehimen Iyamabo
14:00- 14:45 Design of low residue packs by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)” Aaron English
Dynamic Modelling of Two-Phase Cooling Systems Using    the Object-Oriented Modelling Platform EcosimPro Viren Bhanot and Paolo Petagna
Experimental Model for Functional Evaluation of the Effects of Electrical Stimulation: Alternating Current Effects in Human Dermal Fibroblasts Edgar A. Pina-Galan
 Session 4: Innovative Manufacturing Session chair: Alexandra Alcantara Guadardo
14:45-15:30 An in-situ SEM study of transverse failure in unidirectional composite   laminate reinforced by Polypropylene/S-glass hybrid yarn Chengguang Liu
Tool/Chip Contact Phenomenon Modeling for Cutting Tools with Chip Breakers. Ahmed Alghamdi
Towards real-time urban wind flow modelling using an embedded  large-eddy simulation lattice Boltzmann method Marta Camps Santasmasas
15:30 – 16:00 Refreshment Break
Session 5: Fluid-Structure Interaction and Turbulence Session chair: Qiangjun Zhang
16:00- 17:00 Numerical simulation of turbulent flow and drop break-up in a high  pressure Ioannis Bagkeris
Implementing numerical wall function for large eddy simulation in  OpenFOAM” Brendan Iyamabo
Fluid-structure interaction modelling of cardiovascular applications using discrete methods. Benjamin Owen
Flow-Induced Instability of Flexible Filaments Hanging in Cross Flow Jorge Silva-Leon
17:00 – 17:05 Closing remarks (PGR Director and Conference Committee)
17:05- 18:00 Networking & Chillout ALL
18:00 – late Evening Social event with Prize­giving ALL

A PDF copy of the conference schedule for oral presentation can be found here.

Poster Session Session chair: Mutiu Alabi-Bello
10:45 – 11:45 1 A novel leakage detection method in pipes with flow using Acoustic Wave Propagation, Reflectometry and CFD Mustapha Abdullahi
2 Aeromechanics of Tilt-Rotor Helicopters Wesley Appleton
3 Affordable housing: Different things to different policy arenas Neema G. Opiyo
4 Assessment of the capacity of local authorities to meet the Paris Agreement in relation to transport emissions in northern towns. William Fitzpatrick
5 Bioenergy Governance for Sustainable Development Christopher Walsh
6 Demand-response and energy justice Philippa Calver
7 Design of a Novel Biomimetic Robotic Hand Yiming Zhu
8 Element-free Galerkin method for coupled groundwater flow and contaminant  transport Tinesh Pathania
9 Hotspot Stress Prediction for DKK CHS Joints
in Offshore Wind Turbine Jackets
Ernest Onoriode Oshogbunu
10 Microstructure of Uranium Silicide Produced by Arc Melting George Phillips
11 Modelling of damage evolution in high
strength concrete under uniaxial loading
Jiaming Wang
12 Optimization of honeycomb strength assignment for a composite energy-absorbing structure Chengxing Yang
13 Selection of Cutting Conditions Based on Both Minimum Cost and Energy Haitham M ALSWAT
14 Study the effect of stiffness of Rig by input response on resonance frequency and transmissibility of human body segments Khuram Shahzad
15 Sub-metering Analysis of Unregulated Energy Sources within the University of Manchester Christina Birch
16 Micro-orifice single-phase liquid flow in the laminar to turbulant transitional regime Max Szolcek & Andrea Cioncolini

Click here to find a PDF copy of the schedule for poster presentation.