
Graphene inventor Vivek Koncherry: from ‘backwater’ to space inventor
Applications 1 May 2022
Led by UoM alumnus and graphene inventor Vivek Koncherry, GEIC Tier 1 Partner Graphene Innovations Manchester uses advanced manufacturing techniques to deliver composite material applications for now and for the future. We sat down for a chat and started back at the beginning, in rural India…

Creating an ‘Industrial Strategy’ for advanced materials will power the northern and UK economies
Collaborations 23 May 2018
James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Manchester, believes the strategic investment being made in Manchester to underpin its advanced materials capability has the potential to create a global economic powerhouse. James will co-host a round table at the forthcoming FT UK Business Conference Opportunities for Future Growth in the North organised by Financial Times LIVE. The future […]

Eli and Britt Harari Graphene Enterprise Award 2018
Applications 26 March 2018
The Eli and Britt Harari Graphene Enterprise Award, in association with Sir Andre Geim, is an annual award to help establish new enterprises in graphene and other 2D materials at The University of Manchester.

Graphene’s potential to revolutionise the world
Applications 13 March 2017
Last week over 100,000 people from across the globe descended on the mobile capital of the world, Barcelona to attend the Mobile World Congress (MWC). The MWC is the world’s largest mobile conference allowing businesses the opportunity to showcase the next big thing in mobile technology.

Guest blog: New pioneering applications star in Wonder Materials exhibition
Applications 4 January 2017
The Wonder Materials: Graphene and Beyond exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester has been open for just over six months. Over that time, we’ve had an incredible 80000 visitors. People have described the exhibition as inspiring, fun, and informative.