The Wellbeing Blog: How to look after your wellbeing in lockdown (part 1)
Student experience 12 May 2020
Welcome to the first in our new series of Wellbeing Blogs from the Department of Chemistry!
It’s a strange time for us all at the moment and the internet is awash with differing advice and opinions on how to best manage your time whilst working or studying from home. As we reach a busy period of completing and submitting end-of-year assignments, I thought it would be useful to compile a list of reminders to help us all reflect on our own wellbeing during this unexpected new way of living…
What works for someone else might not be the best thing for you
This is, in my professional opinion, the most important statement to consider when trying to organise your daily activities and routines throughout the lockdown period. It is hard to avoid the constant discussion of ‘what is best’ when engaging with both traditional and social media, but try not to feel under pressure to try these tips or feel that you have failed if they don’t work for you. As human beings, we all have different ways of working and managing our emotions- celebrate you own little wins!
We are not all in the same boat, but we are all weathering the same storm
This is a phrase that has been regularly discussed and shared throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and it’s a good one to reflect on. You may notice that a friend seems to be using self-isolation as an opportunity to create, produce or self-improve, but it’s important to remember that they may be living or dealing with a very different set of circumstances. It’s ok if all you have done today is survive or work on your final report, there is absolutely no pressure on you to suddenly write a full novel/ become a fitness guru/bake banana bread!
You are not just studying from home, you are studying from home during a global pandemic
Cut yourself some slack if you are finding it difficult to be productive at the moment. Though the current situation may seem like a welcome relief and chance to slow down to some, it is only natural that news of the ongoing pandemic will affect our mental health and wellbeing. Be kind to yourself if you are struggling to work and study to the best of your ability, and remember to get in touch with the Education Office if you feel your work may be significantly impacted by your current circumstances. Just send us an email on and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can.
This will pass
As science, updated statistics and global news are proving, we won’t be in lockdown forever. Try to focus on the things you are looking forward to doing in the future and remember that these difficult times won’t last forever.
In our next post, we’ll be looking at some more practical ideas of how to manage your time and improve wellbeing whilst studying from home. In the meantime, please get in touch with Education Office if you feel you are in need of any support, or take a look at any of the following resources:
– There is also a great list of resources in the ‘Coronavirus FAQs’ section of your Blackboard Virtual Common Room (current students only)
About Me
My name’s Jess and I recently moved from Bristol to join the Department of Chemistry as a Student Support Administrator. I have a background in pastoral support, safeguarding and education, and am passionate about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of students. You can get in touch with any questions or suggestions by emailing or follow on Twitter for more related content @HingleyJess
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