Cool new YouTube channel CAMERA has launched!
Research and impact 3 October 2017
A new series of films has been released, which highlights the incredible research being carried out by the School of Chemistry.

CAMERA (Chemistry At Manchester Explains Research Advances) is the brainchild of Steve Liddle, Professor and Head of Inorganic Chemistry. The School released the first 12 films to the public this week, and you can watch them here. Further short films will be released over the coming weeks.
In it’s first week of being live CAMERA has attracted lots of attention so much so that an article has now been published on ITV News.
Leading research
The films cover a wide range of research being carried out by our chemists and showcase the significant breakthroughs the School has made. For example, there’s the finding that people with Parkinson’s have a distinctive odour, which may help speed up diagnosis and treatment.
Then there’s the discovery our chemists made about vitamin B12. When hit with light, the vitamin forms into something entirely new, and then into something else, and so on. This reaction to light allows the vitamin to act as an ‘on’ or ‘off’ switch depending on whether it is in darkness or light. This could prove useful in the development of gene therapy.

Each film covers an individual area of research, like how qubits could be used to build a quantum computer, or how alcohol could be used to bioengineer amines.
Lifting the lid
“With this series of films, we wanted to lift the lid on that and give people who are interested in science – of whom there are a good many – a way to obtain genuine insight into the massive developments coming out of the School of Chemistry here at The University of Manchester,” says Prof Liddle.
He adds that he understands how difficult it can be for the public to see the research being done by scientists – and even harder for them to understand how it can relate to them. CAMERA lifts the lid on the latest scientific breakthroughs being made in Manchester and, more importantly, shows exactly how this impacts on people’s lives.
We hope you enjoy watching these new films as much as we enjoyed making them! #UoMCAMERA
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