Welcome to Physics 4 August 2022
Do Earth-like planets exist? And, if so, how can we find them? At a 2022 event for Undergraduate Physics Offer Holders, Dr. Eamonn Kerins, Senior Lecturer in Astronomy, delivered a taster lecture: Exoplanets and the hunt for Earth-2. Eamonn delved into some of the technology and theories that allow us to explore other planets and stars from the ground.
Schuster Colloquium 26 October 2021
100 years ago, on 9 June 2021, The University of Manchester hosted renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein had been touring the USA to raise funds for the proposed Hebrew University of Jerusalem, along with Chaim Weizmann, then a member of staff in the Department of Chemistry. His visit to Manchester and the University was […]
Meet the Department 21 October 2021
This week’s blog comes from Alexandra Bonta and Devina Mohan, MSc students working with Professor Anna Scaife on Bayesian deep learning for classification of pulsars and radio galaxies, and follows on from our blog post for Ada Lovelace Day. Last week we celebrated Ada Lovelace Day and heard about the scientists who inspire our staff […]
Student experience 15 April 2021
In this blog post, second year Physics with Astrophysics undergraduate Louisa Mason discusses her experience of the 2021 CUWiP (Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics) and the inspirational presentations delivered at this year’s event.
Welcome to Physics 2 October 2020
Video talk. Cosmologist Professor Sarah Bridle explains how she went from looking for dark matter to researching the carbon footprint of our meals.
Welcome to Physics 10 September 2020
Video talk: astrophysicist Dr Eamonn Kerins explains his research on exoplanets. How do scientists find planets outside our solar system? And how do they know if those planets are like Earth?
Student experience 13 August 2020
First-year Physics with Astrophysics student Louisa tells us about her favourite area of astrophysics, why she loves the library, and where to get the best coffee on campus…