PhD Student Q&A
Student experience 18 March 2019
PhD student Elliot McKernon holds a Q&A session with Finnish third-year PhD student Ulla Karhumaki about her research and the impact of world politics on mathematics.

Meet our academics – Dr Faustin Adiceam
Meet the Department 3 January 2019
We catch up with Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellow Dr Faustin Adiceam, asking him about his research in pure mathematics and the early days of his academic career.

PhD Student Q&A
Student experience 19 September 2018
This is a blog article about being a PhD student in the School of Mathematics at The University of Manchester. One of our PhD students, Elliot McKernon, did a Q&A with Catherine Bruce – a British PhD student about to enter her third year – about publishing research, giving talks, outreach, and the social aspects […]

First Year of PhD
Student experience 8 August 2018
I am in my first year of PhD, and it is my first time studying abroad. Before that I was educated in Russia in a 6-year long program that was, in essence, a joint masters and bachelors. When starting my time in Manchester, I did not think that mathematical education in universities in different countries […]

PhD Student Q&A
Student experience 12 June 2018
This is a blog article about being a PhD student in the School of Mathematics at The University of Manchester. One of our PhD students, Elliot McKernon, did a Q&A with Cesare G. Ardito – a second year PhD student hailing from Italy who shares his office and research area – about PhDs, conferences, collaboration, […]