Meet the Department 26 September 2017
We are pleased to bring you a brand new #MondayMaterials. You may remember our chat with Dr Claudia Henninger last summer. She agreed to sit down with us again and tell us what she’s working on now: Hi Claudia – it’s great to catch up again! It’s been more than a year since we chatted, […]
Meet the Department 23 January 2017
Okay. So today we reach Episode 28 of #MondayMaterials and it’s one of the highlights of the series so far. Lara Debenham, a PhD student, came highly recommended by Chris Blanford, who you might remember from an earlier episode. According to Chris, Lara is someone who is extremely passionate about her subject and very capable […]
Fashion 6 April 2016
A few weeks back I was lucky enough to meet three inspiring students from the School of Materials. Alex, April, and Lindsey are fashion students in the School, and when I met them they were doing their bit to help out with a sustainability event being run by the Faculty. Between them, these three impressive undergrads have […]
Meet the Department 23 November 2015
I was only about a month into my role here when I first met Dr Patsy Perry at the Design, Fashion, and Business Degree show. She was introduced to me as someone I should definitely talk to about my plan’s for the School’s digital media, someone who would have a very useful insight, and someone who, on […]