
School of Materials at Bluedot
Welcome to Materials 3 August 2018
This July saw the return of the annual Bluedot Festival to Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire – a unique blend of science, art and music.

#MondayMaterials Episode 24 – Dr Steve Edmondson
Meet the Department 15 August 2016
Hi all. #MondayMaterials is back. Thanks for your patience during a busy period caused by holidays and jam-packed schedules. We’re here now, though. And Steve Edmondson, a member of the Polymers, Composites and Carbon Research Group, was definitely worth the wait: Hi Steve. Thanks for talking to us. Could you please describe your research, for […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 19 – Aidan Rooney
#MondayMaterials 14 March 2016
Aidan Rooney first came to my attention when I had only been in my role for a few weeks. I was searching around for some PhD students to interview for #MondayMaterials, and whenever I asked someone on the a materials scientist from the School it was Aidan’s name that came up. We originally scheduled an interview […]

After Uni with Seb Leaper
Alumni 9 February 2016
The After Uni series returns today, although this time it features somebody who is technically still with us at The University of Manchester. While Seb Leaper might have graduated from the School of Materials, he enjoyed his time he so much that he decided to stay. Find out more below: Hi Seb, thanks for talking […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 16 – Dr Sarah Haigh
#MondayMaterials 1 February 2016
Can you believe it? Episode 16 of #MondayMaterials is here already! And after fifteen previous episodes, I finally get the chance to talk to Dr Sarah Haigh, somebody who was recommended to me by our Episode 1 interviewee. It took a while to get this interview into both our calendars, but I can tell you […]

#MondayMaterials Episode 1 – Dr Aravind Vijayaraghavan
Meet the Department 8 June 2015
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first episode of #MondayMaterials. Once a fortnight, on a Monday (obviously), I’ll be chatting with one of the many people that make the School of Materials such a great place to be. It might be a professor, a researcher, a student, an alumnus, or a member of the admin […]