Student experience 10 January 2022
Industrial placements are an important part of a computer science student’s life at The University of Manchester. So we spoke to Carmen Faura Praxedes to tell us about her personal journey and to give you first-hand experience of what to expect when undertaking a placement: Hello Carmen, thanks for taking the time to chat with […]
Life after study 27 October 2021
Simona is a Computer Science University of Manchester alumnus. She studied BSc in Software Engineering and graduated in June 2020. Hello Simona! Can you tell us a bit about your education before university? I finished high school in Romania, and it was focused on Maths, English, and Programming. Similar to A levels in the UK, […]
Life after study 29 April 2021
Hello, my name is Sam Joynson and I am 3rd Year BSc Computer Science Student. During the unforgettable year of 2020, between my second and third years of studying, I spent part of my summer on an internship with Barclays, a post I had acquired through a series of interviews and a ‘Spring Week’ during my first year here […]